Governor's Capitol Art Exhibition Artists Recognized, Artwork Available for Purchase Online





Governor Mark Gordon and the Wyoming State Museum recognized Wyoming artists at the Governor’s Capitol Arts Exhibition Reception on Friday, February 16. Three artists were presented with awards, each accompanied by a cash prize.

Denise Hawkins of Cheyenne received the Governor’s Choice Award for the piece “Sunset Calm.”

Alistair Dunnington of Laramie received the Juror’s Choice Award for the piece “Untitled.”

Richard Burke of Douglas received the Juror’s Choice Award for the piece “Numinous.” 

Eight works were also selected for the Capitol Art Collection Purchase Awards through votes cast by agencies and officials participating in the Capitol Art Program. These works will be displayed in public offices of state agencies and elected officials. Artists receiving purchase awards are:


Elizabeth Thurow of Sheridan for the piece Lyric of Lupine

Denise Hawkins of Cheyenne for the piece Sunset Calm

Eileen Nistler of Upton for the piece Crimson to Violet II

Robert Martinez of Riverton for the piece Injustice

Ashley Quick of Laramie for the piece It's Now a Temple

Christine Meytras of Jackson for the piece Twirl

Lars Roeder of Laramie for the piece Tall Grass

Liz Baldwin of Laramie for the piece Solid Air


The exhibition will be on display through August 10 in the Wyoming State Capitol, which is open to the public Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Works in the show can also be viewed and purchased online at