Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Ave.
Barrett Building, 3rd floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7697
About the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office:
The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office documents, preserves, and promotes Wyoming’s heritage with our preservation partners.
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the nation’s official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation. Administered on the Federal level by the National Park Service and managed locally by the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Register recognizes those properties that are significant to local, state, or national history.
The Review & Consultation program provides professional review and management services to the State of Wyoming by balancing the needs of development against the need to retain significant pieces of our past. Any project taking place on federal lands, utilizing federal funds or requiring federal permitting must be preceded by a cultural resource inventory and project review in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended), as well as the Wyoming Antiquities Act of 1935, the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act of 1973, and other federal and state statutes.
The Federal Government offers a tax incentive to support the rehabilitation of historic buildings for income-producing purposes. This program is one of the Federal Government's most successful and cost-effective community revitalization programs. The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office serves as the liaison between the property owner and the National Park Service. The goal of this combined endeavor is to encourage preservation of community treasures and increase awareness of the benefits of rehabilitation efforts.
Historic contexts are an important component of the Wyoming’s State Preservation Plan, which was developed to preserve and promote Wyoming’s heritage. It is the mission of the Planning & Historic Contexts program to develop and maintain updated historic contexts to promote efficiency and better decision-making in the identification, evaluation, and management of Wyoming’s heritage resources.
The Community Preservation (also known as Certified Local Government) program exists to develop and support local historic preservation programs throughout Wyoming. We provide education, funding, and technical assistance to help protect historic properties in communities across the state.
The Wyoming Cultural Records Office (WYCRO) collects and manages cultural resource information for the state of Wyoming. WYCRO provides this information to federal agencies, cultural resource management firms, researchers, and other parties through online GIS and non-spatial databases.
The Wyoming Archaeological Site Stewardship Program (WYSSP) is comprised of concerned people committed to protecting and preserving Wyoming's rich cultural heritage. Professional heritage/cultural resource specialists and trained volunteers work together to monitor cultural resources throughout the state: adding to the existing documentary record, sustaining a regular presence to deter looting and vandalism, and reporting these activities when they occur.
The Wyoming Centennial Farm & Ranch program annually honors families who have owned and operated the same farm or ranch for 100 years or more. Each year, the State Historic Preservation Office and its program partners host a celebration to honor these families. An annual yearbook is also published that features the histories and photos of the Centennial families.
Currently Vacant - Wyoming State Historic Preservation Officer
More information coming soon.
Physical Address:
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Ave.
Barrett Building, 3rd floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone Number:
(307) 777-7697